FAQ Margin Policy

Trainers Stocks provides up to 10 times leverage for intraday in NSE Equity depending upon the plan chosen by a trader. The leverages are provided as per the brokerage plan chosen by the trader subject to market volatility.

Trainers Stocks provides up to 2 times leverage in Future & Option contracts, subject to plan and product type chosen by the trader.

The leverage of up to 2 times is provided in NSE Currency Trading (subject to the brokerage plan chosen by the client).

The leverage is available in MIS/BO/CO orders only.

The leverage of up to 2 times is provided in BO orders for Commodity Future contracts(subject to the brokerage plan chosen by the client).

Trainers Stocks provides three different plans so that a client can choose the best plan as per his/her trading style. A client can also check the following link for detailed comparison between the plans: https://trainersstocks.com/brokerage-plan

NRML is opted when a trader wants to avail the leverage benefits in equity delivery, whereas with CNC (Cash and Carry) a trader can buy shares only on the behalf of available funds in his/her account or sell only those shares which he/she holds in his/her demat account.

The intraday trades have to be squared off the same day. The clients have to square off their positions 15 minutes before the market closing time. If he/she does not square off the position, it will be squared off by the RMS team.

Yes. But if position is squared off by RMS, ₹ 20/- +GST will be levied per executed order.

The intraday leverages are provided as per the brokerage plan and script chosen by the trader in MIS, BO, or CO.

MIS stands for Margin Intraday Square Off, the trades placed in this type have to be squared off 15 minutes before the market closing time.

CO stands for Cover Order; it enables a trader to place intraday order along with the Stop Loss price (stop loss trigger range is usually provided by the system).

BO stands for Bracket Order; it enables a trader to place intraday order along with the Stop Loss price and target price. This helps a trader to automate the trades and limit the losses.

The BO/CO orders are intraday orders and, therefore, have to be squared off 15 minutes before the market closes.

Yes, the client can avail collateral benefits in order to take new position (~50%of the required margin can be provided for as collateral by Trainers Stocks). The collateral benefit is available only to the PRO and Ultimate Plan users.

The intraday positions will be squared off at 70% loss of the fund available in the trading account of the client. However, in case of high leverage, the same will be done as per the consent for MTM losses provided by the trader at the time of opening the account.